Where is the Easter Bunny?  Downtown of course!  

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Where is the Easter Bunny?  Downtown of course!  

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Come downtown Saturday, April 8th from Noon to 3:00pm

and go on a hide-and-seek adventure to find the hidden bunnies!  

We have hidden the bunnies in the downtown shops and

you need to come find them!

Come first to the Civitan Plaza

(corner of B Street and Park Avenue)

and we will give you a map. 

This year we also have an adventure for the adults! Search inside Idaho Mountain Trading for the Golden Egg! Once found, head over to their counter and submit a form to participate in a drawing to win a Downtown Gift Certificate! 


Date And Time

April 8, 2023 @ 12:00 PM to
April 8, 2023 @ 03:00 PM

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